SHS Band Boosters


Instruments for the Band!


The Stanwood Band Boosters work under the umbrella of the Stanwood High School Booster Club to promote and support specifically the SHS Band program through fundraising, volunteering, and offering musical opportunities for students.

Description of Services

The SHS Band Boosters are a group of band parents and community members organized to support and enhance the experience of band students at Stanwood High School. The school budget does not allow enough funds for purchasing and maintaining instruments, marching uniforms, music, and musically educational experiences outside of the classroom. Our fundraising helps to close that gap and keep the cost down for the students. Our goal is to keep costs as low as possible so more students can enjoy the benefits of being involved in music.

Music is Education!

Other Ways to Get Involved

Attend a concert! Join our email list!

Contact Information

Address for Concerts:
Stanwood High School
7400 272nd St NW
Stanwood, WA 98292

Mailing Address:
Stanwood Band Boosters
26910 92nd Ave NW, Suite C PBM 11
Stanwood, WA  98292

(970) 462-6336


Social Media: